The Christian Family Table

The Christian Family Table

More Connected, More Spiritual

Why Christian Music Soothes the Soul and Brings Joy

How many times have you been stuck in traffic on your morning commute?

Have you ever had one of those days where no matter what you did, nothing came out right?

I know I have. Many times.  

So, I started using Christian music to help me relax. I found connecting with and praising Jesus in stressful times helps me boost my self-esteem and regain control over my life. It gives me peace in a way regular music doesn’t.

Christian music expresses communal and personal belief regarding Christian life and faith.  It is used in church services and other religious ceremonies. Many people are familiar with the old-style church hymns and gospel music. Today Christian music crosses all genres so it is easy to find songs to fit all tastes. Christian music is available to almost everyone these days.

Singing Christian music is one of the best ways to offer praise and worship to God in our daily lives. Many songs include Bible verses. The Song “Bless His Name” Includes Psalms 95:1 Oh come, let us sing to the Lord! Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation.

Let’s look at the effects Christian music has on our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.

Christian music especially Gospel music has a calming effect and reduces stress in our body. Gentle, inspirational songs are perfect for calming restless muscles. Studies have shown that listening to Christian music has a positive effect on psychological well-being. Also, listening to Christian music is a wonderful way to nurture your spirituality.

Listening to Christian music regularly can improve your mental healthand increase the level of satisfaction in your life. Because of its uplifting nature, it reduces death anxiety and gives you a new perspective on life.

Access to Christian music is everywhere. There are free Christian radio stations, YouTube channels, Amazon Music, and ITunes.

Listen to Christian music often to stay connected and enjoy the benefits.

I would like to share with you my favorite Hymn and Contemparory Christian Song. I hope you will enjoy them as much as I do. In the comments below, let me know your favorite ones.

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