The Christian Family Table

The Christian Family Table

More Connected, More Spiritual

Dining with Jesus: Reinforcing Faith and Values at Family Dinner

This image shows a family dining with Jesus. They are laughing and talking


In the hustle and bustle of daily life, family dinners can sometimes become just another task on our to-do lists. However, for Christian families, these meals can serve as a profound opportunity to reinforce faith and values. Dining with Jesus at the table is not merely a ritual; it is a meaningful way to foster spiritual growth, strengthen family bonds, and instill Christian principles in our children. This blog post will explore how inviting Jesus into our family dinners can enrich our lives and deepen our faith.

Setting the Table for Jesus

Creating an environment that honors Jesus during family dinners begins with intentionality. Consider setting the table with elements that remind your family of their faith—such as a cross, a Bible, or inspirational quotes. You might even choose a specific theme for each dinner that reflects a biblical story or teaching. For example, you could have a “loaves and fishes” night where you discuss the miracle of multiplication while sharing a meal. By setting the table with these reminders, you create a physical space that invites Jesus into your gathering, making it clear that He is the guest of honor.

Opening with Prayer

One of the simplest yet most profound ways to include Jesus at the dinner table is to start each meal with prayer. This practice not only acknowledges God’s presence but also encourages gratitude and reflection. Invite each family member to participate by sharing what they are thankful for or offering a prayer of their own. This collective act of devotion sets a tone of reverence and gratitude, allowing everyone to focus their hearts and minds on Jesus. It also teaches children the importance of prayer in their daily lives, reinforcing the idea that God is an integral part of every moment, including mealtime.

Sharing Scripture

Incorporating Scripture into family dinners can be a powerful way to reinforce faith and values. You might choose a verse or passage that relates to the meal or the theme of the evening. For instance, if you’re having a meal centered around sharing, you could read from Acts 2:44-47, which speaks about the early church sharing all things in common. Discussing these verses as a family encourages dialogue about how biblical teachings apply to everyday life. It also provides an opportunity for parents to explain the significance of the Scriptures to their children, helping them understand and internalize their faith.

Engaging in Meaningful Conversations

Dining with Jesus provides an excellent opportunity for meaningful conversations that connect faith to daily life. Use this time to discuss how Jesus’ teachings can be applied to various situations your family may be facing. For example, if a family member is struggling with friendship issues, you might explore Jesus’ teachings on love, forgiveness, and compassion. Encouraging open dialogue about faith-related topics not only reinforces Christian values but also helps children learn to navigate life’s challenges through a biblical lens. This practice cultivates a family culture where faith is not just discussed on Sundays but is woven into the fabric of daily life.

Celebrating Faith Together

Including Jesus at family dinners can also be a time for celebrating faith milestones. Whether it’s a child’s baptism, a confirmation, or simply a personal achievement that reflects their faith, taking the time to recognize these moments fosters a sense of belonging and identity in Christ. You might create a tradition of sharing stories of how God has worked in your lives or celebrating answered prayers. This not only strengthens family bonds but also instills a sense of gratitude and awe for God’s presence in everyday life. By celebrating these moments together, you reinforce the idea that faith is a journey shared within the family.

Instilling Values Through Service

Another meaningful way to include Jesus at the family dinner table is to discuss ways your family can serve others. Use this time to brainstorm ideas for community service projects, mission trips, or acts of kindness you can perform together. This practice reinforces the Christian values of love, compassion, and generosity. You might even choose to dedicate a portion of your meal to preparing care packages or planning a volunteer day. By actively engaging in service as a family, you embody the teachings of Jesus and demonstrate how faith is lived out through action.


Dining with Jesus is a powerful way for Christian families to reinforce their faith and values. By setting a table that honors Him, opening with prayer, sharing Scripture, engaging in meaningful conversations, celebrating milestones, and instilling values through service, families can create a nurturing environment where faith flourishes. As Christian women, let us embrace the opportunity to invite Jesus into our homes and hearts during mealtime, creating a legacy of faith that will impact generations to come.

To learn more about the importance of Dining with Jesus reach out to us at

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